NOTICE: The OpenCorporates web portal will be down for planned maintenance on Mondays the 17th of February, the 24th of February, and the 3rd of March,

from 06:45 to 15:00 GMT.

We apologise for any inconvenience.

The Open Database Of The Corporate World


Company Number
Incorporation Date
Please log in to see this data
Company Type
Andelsselskab (-forening) med begrænset ansvar
Registered Address
  • Fruebjergvej 3
  • København Ø
  • 2100
  • Denmark
Industry Codes
  • 77.39.00: Renting and leasing of other machinery, equipment and tangible goods n.e.c. (Dansk Branchekode 2007)
  • 773910: Udlejning og leasing af andet materiel, udstyr og andre materielle aktiver til events (Dansk Branchekode 2007)
  • 77.39: Renting and leasing of other machinery, equipment and tangible goods n.e.c. (European Community NACE Rev 2)
  • 7730: Renting and leasing of other machinery, equipment and tangible goods (UN ISIC Rev 4)
Directors / Officers
7 officers available, please log in to see this data
Inactive Directors / Officers
16 officers available, please log in to see this data

Telephone Numbers

Number: 70201413

Number: 70201489

Industry codes

Code Description Code scheme
773910 Udlejning og leasing af andet materiel, udstyr og andre materielle aktiver til events Dansk Branchekode 2007 details
77.39.00 Renting and leasing of other machinery, equipment and tangible goods n.e.c. Dansk Branchekode 2007 details

* While we strive to keep this information correct and up-to-date, it is not the primary source, and the company registry should always be referred to for definitive information