The Open Database Of The Corporate World


Trademark registrations

Mark Text Image Register NICE classifications Registration Date Expiry Date
E-STANDARDS United States Patent and Trademark Office 35 2002-12-17 details
ACCUSTANDARD United States Patent and Trademark Office 1 1994-09-27 details
YOU SET THE STANDARDS...WE MAKE THEM! Large United States Patent and Trademark Office 35, 42 2014-06-03 2021-01-08 historic details
ALLERGENCHECK Large United States Patent and Trademark Office 1 2005-12-13 2016-07-15 historic details
ACES United States Patent and Trademark Office 1 2002-08-13 2009-05-16 historic details
POLYSTANDARD United States Patent and Trademark Office 1 2001-04-03 2008-01-05 historic details
NTRM United States Patent and Trademark Office 1 1999-04-13 2001-04-25 historic details
CALAMTS United States Patent and Trademark Office 9 1996-01-09 2002-10-12 historic details
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