- Company Number
- EXTUID_4137617
- Native Company Number
- L00004875199
- Status
- Active
- Incorporation Date
- Please log in to see this data
- Company Type
- Non-Profit Corporation
- Jurisdiction
- District of Columbia (US)
- Registered Address
- 1510 H Street NW,
- Washington
- 20005
- District of Columbia
- United States
- Alternative Names
- BAU International University (trading name, - 2020-04-01)
- Washington National University (trading name, - 2018-12-22)
- Bridge of Atlantic University (trading name, - 2020-10-28)
- Bay Atlantic University (trading name, - 2020-10-31)
- Bay Atlantic University (trading name, - 2025-04-02)
- Agent Name
- Kevin Robertson
- Agent Address
- 922 Pennsylvania Ave SE, Washington, District of Columbia, 20003
- Directors / Officers
- 4 officers available, please log in to see this data