The Open Database Of The Corporate World

Mayne Pharma Commercial LLC

Trademark registrations

Mark Text Image Register NICE classifications Registration Date Expiry Date
METRICS CONTRACT SERVICES Large United States Patent and Trademark Office 40, 42 2015-06-02 details
METRICS CONTRACT SERVICES Large United States Patent and Trademark Office 40, 42 2015-06-02 details
ZEBUTAL United States Patent and Trademark Office 5 2000-12-26 details
ESGIC-PLUS United States Patent and Trademark Office 5 1990-07-24 details
LORCET United States Patent and Trademark Office 5 1980-02-12 details
ESGIC United States Patent and Trademark Office 5 1971-08-31 details
METRICSVISION Large United States Patent and Trademark Office 45 2012-05-22 2018-12-28 historic details
FOLAMIN Large United States Patent and Trademark Office 5 2006-06-27 2017-02-03 historic details
FOLTABS United States Patent and Trademark Office 5 2006-04-18 2016-11-25 historic details
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