The Open Database Of The Corporate World


Trademark registrations

Mark Text Image Register NICE classifications Registration Date Expiry Date
1 Large United States Patent and Trademark Office 39 2021-05-25 details
UNM LOBOHEALTH Large United States Patent and Trademark Office 36, 44 2021-02-02 details
THE CHRONICLE OF MENTORING & COACHING Large United States Patent and Trademark Office 41 2018-11-13 details
UNM Large United States Patent and Trademark Office 9 2018-07-10 details
UNM Large United States Patent and Trademark Office 14, 16, 21, 25, 41 2018-05-01 details
NMU THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO UNM ··1889 ·· Large United States Patent and Trademark Office 14, 16, 18, 21, 24, 25 2018-01-16 details
UNM Large United States Patent and Trademark Office 14, 21, 25 2017-10-10 details
UNM ALUMNI Large United States Patent and Trademark Office 35 2017-10-10 details
Large United States Patent and Trademark Office 6, 16, 25 2017-09-19 details
THE PIT NEW MEXICO Large United States Patent and Trademark Office 25, 43 2017-09-19 details
UNM THE CHRONICLE OF MENTORING & COACHING Large United States Patent and Trademark Office 41 2015-03-03 details
LOBOS World Intellectual Property Organisation 25, 28, 41 2013-03-19 2023-03-19 details
THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO 1156675 World Intellectual Property Organisation 41 2013-03-19 2023-03-19 details
LOBOS 1182941 World Intellectual Property Organisation 25 2013-03-19 2023-03-19 details
KUNM Large United States Patent and Trademark Office 38 2012-04-24 details
LOBO LUCY Large United States Patent and Trademark Office 25, 41 2012-03-27 details
LOBO LOUIE Large United States Patent and Trademark Office 25, 41 2011-07-26 details
LOBOS Large United States Patent and Trademark Office 25 2011-05-10 details
DATAONE Large United States Patent and Trademark Office 38 2011-04-12 details
DATAONE Large United States Patent and Trademark Office 38 2011-04-12 details
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