The Open Database Of The Corporate World


Trademark registrations

Mark Text Image Register NICE classifications Registration Date Expiry Date
THE FUTURE OF PERSONALITY Large United States Patent and Trademark Office 44 2016-12-20 details
LEADERSHIP FORECAST Large United States Patent and Trademark Office 16 2015-11-10 details
EMPLOY EQ Personnel Assessment & Selection System 1114487 World Intellectual Property Organisation 9 2012-02-15 2013-07-19 details
HOGAN ASSESSMENT SYSTEMS 1115445 World Intellectual Property Organisation 16, 44 2012-02-15 2014-06-20 details
SELECTION SERIES World Intellectual Property Organisation 35 2012-02-15 2014-07-11 details
THE SCIENCE OF PERSONALITY Large United States Patent and Trademark Office 16 2011-05-03 details
HOGAN H Large United States Patent and Trademark Office 16, 44 2010-02-02 details
HOGAN PERSONALITY INVENTORY United States Patent and Trademark Office 16 2006-04-11 details
LEADERSHIP FORECAST United States Patent and Trademark Office 16 2004-09-28 details
HOGAN DEVELOPMENT SURVEY United States Patent and Trademark Office 16 2004-03-02 details
MOTIVES, VALUES, PREFERENCES INVENTORY United States Patent and Trademark Office 16 2004-02-24 details
LEADERSHIP FORMULA Large United States Patent and Trademark Office 41 2011-08-09 2018-03-16 historic details
H THINKBOX Large United States Patent and Trademark Office 35 2011-03-08 2017-10-13 historic details
HOGANPRESS Large United States Patent and Trademark Office 16 2009-09-15 2020-06-05 historic details
HOGAN ASSESSMENT SYSTEMS THE SCIENCE OF PERSONALITY Large United States Patent and Trademark Office 16 2004-09-07 2013-10-10 historic details
PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT United States Patent and Trademark Office 16 2004-02-17 2010-09-24 historic details
SELECTION SERIES United States Patent and Trademark Office 35 2003-12-09 2014-07-11 historic details
HOGAN ASSESMENT SYSTEMS Large United States Patent and Trademark Office 16, 44 2003-11-18 2014-06-20 historic details
EMPLOY EQ PERSONNEL ASSESSMENT & SELECTION SYSTEM Large United States Patent and Trademark Office 9 2002-12-17 2013-07-19 historic details
PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT CHARACTERISTICS Large United States Patent and Trademark Office 16 2000-02-08 2010-09-10 historic details
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