The Open Database Of The Corporate World

ABB Installation Products Inc.

Trademark registrations

Mark Text Image Register NICE classifications Registration Date Expiry Date
622P United States Patent and Trademark Office 9 2000-01-25 2006-10-28 historic details
622KP United States Patent and Trademark Office 9 1999-10-12 2010-05-15 historic details
SAFE-TY United States Patent and Trademark Office 22 1999-05-18 2006-02-25 historic details
AQUA SAVER United States Patent and Trademark Office 9 1998-06-23 2005-03-26 historic details
IES United States Patent and Trademark Office 11 1998-05-26 2005-03-05 historic details
LUMASHIELD United States Patent and Trademark Office 11 1997-09-30 2004-07-03 historic details
NEVSTAR United States Patent and Trademark Office 9 1997-09-30 2004-07-03 historic details
SUPERBALUN United States Patent and Trademark Office 9 1989-02-21 2009-09-26 historic details
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