The Open Database Of The Corporate World

Cadastro Nacional da Pessoa Jurídica

Data Quality Notes

Current company status, company type or address data not listed

Identifier Notes

We chose the unique 14-digit CNPJ number as the ‘company number’ for two reasons:

- Its widespread use to refer to companies in Brazil
- The absence of country-wide availability of NIRE registration numbers, as not all of the state-level Boards of Trade have online company registers.

Basel Anti-Money Laundering Score
5.02 (from 0 to 10 – lower is better)

Scores from Open Company Data Index

Metric Score Max Points
Freely Searchable 10 20
Licensing 30 30
Data Freely Available 20 20
Directors 10 10
Accounts 0 10
Shareholders 0 10
Total 70 100