The Open Database Of The Corporate World

Kriminalforsorgen i Grønland

Company Number
Company Type
Statslig administrativ enhed
Registered Address
  • Postboks 369
    3900 Nuuk
  • Greenland
Industry Codes
  • 752320: Fængselsvæsen (Greenland Branchenomenklatur GB2000)
Registry Page
Please log in for link to primary source
Source Det grønlandske erhvervsregister,, 15 Jun 2016

Industry codes

Code Description Code scheme
752320 Fængselsvæsen Greenland Branchenomenklatur GB2000 details

* While we strive to keep this information correct and up-to-date, it is not the primary source, and the company registry (see source, above) should always be referred to for definitive information
Data on this page last changed June 16 2016